10 Things I Am Grateful For This Week
I am so tired. My voice is shot, and has been for two days---my shoulders are sore, my feet hurt, and I haven’t had a moment to myself in two weeks. It’s times like this that I call my mother to whine about how busy I am, how much I have on my plate, how many people need how much from me. She is a real delight, too, and rarely if ever does she tell me what I deserve to hear: “Shut your whiny first-world mouth and pour me a glass of sangria.”
I know that’s what I need to hear, though. I think we all do sometimes. So tonight, mentors, you have homework. Make a “Grateful List.” Remember how wonderful the world is, just for a moment. Come on, I know it’s hokey, but we’ll do it together.
10 Things I Am Grateful For This Week:
My aforementioned mom, actually. And my dad. My whole family, really.
My sister. She gets her own category because she is so dope.
Being in college. Being 21 and smart, and privileged enough to be surrounded by people who are wiser and better and stronger than I am and who inspire me every day.
~~ See? This isn’t so hard. Let’s do a fun one now. ~~
Back episodes of Saturday Night Live on Netflix.
~~ Good. A few real ones again. ~~
Strong Women Strong Girls, the Feminist Student Organization, Girls Leadership, and all my kick-ass communities of kind and tough and wonderful women.
Education—as messed up as the education system can be, I love being a part of it and I love every one of these creative, nutty, dedicated people who spend their lives trying to make a teeny little difference.
Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Coffee, cocoa, craft beer.
Jo Nesbø and his badass mystery novels.
Myself. My beautiful, strange, hilarious self. And all the people who love her as much as I do.
Got any problems, mentoring or otherwise? Do you need advice from an ambitious porpoise? Write to Helen by emailing swsg.nu@gmail.com. She loves helping. Really.