Our girls participate in 3 field trips every year. The first trip, in November, takes place at Northeastern University and follows a theme that encourages girls to build new skills. Last year's Fall Field Trip theme was Superheros! In the Spring, there are two field trips - one is a service-themed trip to tie in with the program's Spring service project curriculum, and the other is Jump Into Spring, which brings girls from all over Boston and mentors from all six Boston chapters together for a fun morning of getting active!
It takes a lot to make our chapter run smoothly! Our Fundraising Coordinator works to plan and implement fundraising events and Appeals Letters for donations to our chapter. Each Fall and Spring, our chapter sponsors fundraising events and partners with local businesses to raise money for our programs, including our weekly mentoring costs and our Field Trips! If you are interested in partnering with Strong Women, Strong Girls at Northeastern or donating to our chapter, please contact us at swsg.nu@gmail.com
Our Mentor Events Coordinator works hard each year to plan fun events that help our mentors to feel more like a family. Our biggest events each semester are Commitment Night, where we welcome new mentors and help old ones reconnect, and Mentor Appreciation, where we recognize the amazing work our mentors and e-board have done in the past year. Other events include mentor picnics, craft night, and secret valentines.
Our Outreach Coordinator and Assistant Outreach Coordinator collaborate with other student groups at Northeastern to plan and sponsor events for mentors and other students on campus. We have worked with Half the Sky, Science Club For Girls, and other groups on campus to sponsor speakers and documentary screenings that are relevant to the girls we serve and the women in our chapter. They also plan our Women's History Month events, which feature strong female leaders as speakers and workshop facilitators.